Sunday, June 12, 2011

Batik Shirt

Posted by BLOGGER 6:59 PM, under |

title: shirt fathoms:
size: medium
price: 450.000
motive: contemporary 
by applying modern batik, batik functioning for man shirt ingredient especially adolescent circle and also to develop this modern batik design especially background caused by modern man life style change is compared previous time, especially among young class. with motive more various and ingredient creation motive more gooder. 
batik for the rising generation or adolescent has value aloof. batik more spread until foreign countries. not only adult circle and old that like batik, especially modern batik at adolescent circle even also begins to know batik work. supposed indonesia society wants to return to socialize batik with wear it as clothes everyday. because motive and baha very various from simple up to luxurious, batik cloths usually also made coat and clothing everyday good to Homes also at office. there [are] also many that make batik as collection because the value very tall.